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About Phoenix Infomedia

Phoenix Infomedia, our love, was born in Mar 2008 as a unique digital agency in this part of the world to cater to the social media, web 2.0 and mobile apps needs of the businesses across the world. Our founders come from web portal background and have more than 16 years of experience in this domain. They have worked across the world with fortune 500 companies in many different verticals.  We specialise in Design & Development of Online e-Commerce portalssocial networking portals, business networking portalssocial media portalspayment gateway integrationsm-Commerce AppsDating AppsRestaurant & Bar AppsGeo Targeting & POI AppsTracking AppsAudio & Video AppsCamera Filters & Incident Reporting AppsHospital & Hotel Accomodation management Apps as well as many facebook pages, groups, youtube channels and awesome web portals.